Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Technology and Young Children Ages 3-8

After reading Technology and Young Children- Ages 3 through 8

Write a one or two paragraph reaction on this blog. In case you forgot the article click below.
Click here for Article on Technology and Children Ages 3 through 8

  1. Describe how you would or, hopefully, do use technology with children in your classroom.
  2. Describe what factors you might consider in evaluating software and programs for children.
After doing this. Please go to
for part 2 of your assignment.


Anonymous said...

I liked this article. I think it is important that we all work together with the kids to make sure that technology is available. I use multimedia with my kids at school. I think that proper planning is important. It can be fun for the students. It is interesting that some students use the computer as their primary means for communication. They don't play outside anymore or go to the park. They can't hang-out in woods because there are no woods anymore just parking lots and strip malls.

pete said...

Hi Everyone, I liked the article about technology and young children. I use a smartboard in my classroom, just got installed about three weeks ago. I find the kids are just more into the lesson if they feel they will get to interact with the board. As far as software has got to be entertaining. There is a great site called Brain-Pop, a lot of bells and whistles. It can't be anything too dry, and there are a ton of dry sites for SS.

A Chalfin said...

Hi everyone. Nice work.
No class next WED.

Unknown said...

This article makes many good points. I also think that technology can be very stimulating for kids and can motivate them to learn. As the article points out, however, I think that it is only a tool. I think that parents can rely on it to be a baby-sitter or pacifier with young children. It also can too often substitute for human interaction which is necessary for the social development of kids.

Unknown said...

I think Frank is right that proper planning is important. Its important not to let the computer become a substitute for a well conceived lesson.

pete said...

I agree with Frank and Arnie, all too often teachers feel a trip to a computer lad is a day off.

pete said...

Can we change that to LAB